Author: Daniel Abrahamberg
Kubernetes Database Migration with Helm and CI/CD Pipelines
Managing database migrations in secure and isolated environments presents a remarkable challenge. This blog post delves into the intricacies of setting up or migrating databases where there is a Kubernetes environments in use and direct access to database is restricted. We’ll explore strategies for handling database migrations when the database is not directly accessible by…
GitHub Federated integration: Azure Key Vault & ACR- Example
You’ve probably noticed too how GitHub is fast becoming the go-to platform for companies and enterprises navigating the digital landscape. It’s an exciting shift, but it’s not without its challenges, especially when it comes to working with cloud services. Take Azure Key Vault and Azure Container Registry (ACR), for instance. To work smoothly, these services…
React: Call Child Functions from Parent Functional Component
In the dynamic world of React development, one question often leads to another, unfolding layers of complexity and elegance in code. Recently, a junior programmer on my team approached me with a seemingly straightforward query: “How can I call child functions from a parent functional component in React?” Another colleague quickly interjected, “You can’t do…
Repository Pattern in DDD: Bridging the Domain and Data Models
In our DDD journey, we’ve delved into Entities, Value Objects, and how to implement Aggregates from a developer’s viewpoint. Now, we’ll tackle the repository pattern. Simply put, this pattern neatly separates data access from domain logic. While there’s a wealth of online resources, check out Microsoft’s “Design the Infrastructure Persistence Layer” for hands-on implementation in…
Entities and Value Objects: Diving Deep into Domain-Driven Design
In the realm of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), understanding core concepts such as entities, value objects, aggregates, and aggregate roots is essential. As we’ve previously explored the intricate nature of aggregates and aggregate roots, today’s discussion is centered on two foundational blocks: entities and value objects. Remember that we are using eShopOnContainers’ Order Service as our…
Mastering DDD: A Developer’s Guide to Implementing Aggregates
Welcome back to our series on Domain-Driven Design (DDD)! In our previous article, we skimmed the surface of some fundamental DDD concepts like Aggregates, Entities, and Value Objects. If you found that intriguing, buckle up because we’re about to take a deep dive into these core components, specifically through the lens of a developer. While…
Getting Started with Domain-Driven Design for Developers
There are certainly a lot of articles and books about DDD. A several years ago, when I started to learn about it, it took a little time for things to click. At that time, I was really eager to understand DDD from a developer’s perspective, but most of the material was focused on the architectural…
Enterprise Development: Guidelines, Guardrails, and Golden Paths
After having a lengthy conversation with one of my colleagues on the topic of why people often disregard guardrails in his organization, a particular question came to my mind. Towards the end of our discussion, I asked my colleague what keeps cars between the guardrails in the real world. He replied, somewhat unsure of where…
Git remove commits from branch after push: reset, revert, or rebase
You can remove commits from a branch by any of reset,revert, and rebase commands. Each has own use case and pros and cons, let’s learn them in details
JavaScript destructuring nested object and array
JavaScript destructuring is a powerful feature that allows developers to extract data from arrays and objects in an elegant and concise way. This technique makes it easier to work with complex data structures and reduces the amount of code required to extract information from these structures. Whether you’re a seasoned JavaScript developer or just starting…
IaC Methodologies and Best Practices on Azure
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a crucial aspect of modern DevOps practices, and it is becoming increasingly important for organizations looking to optimize and automate their infrastructure management on Azure. IaC allows you to use code to define, provision, and manage your infrastructure, making it easier to manage, scale, and maintain. In this guide, we’ll…
How to make OpenAI Stateful Text Generator like ChatGPT for Conversations
OpenAI’s text generator is a powerful tool for programmers and developers looking to enhance their applications with natural language processing capabilities. In this blog post, we will dive into the features and capabilities of OpenAI’s text generator, including its ability to maintain context like ChatGPT. Learn how OpenAI’s text generator can take your software to…