Category: DevOps
Kubernetes Database Migration with Helm and CI/CD Pipelines
Managing database migrations in secure and isolated environments presents a remarkable challenge. This blog post delves into the intricacies of setting up or migrating databases where there is a Kubernetes environments in use and direct access to database is restricted. We’ll explore strategies for handling database migrations when the database is not directly accessible by…
Git remove commits from branch after push: reset, revert, or rebase
You can remove commits from a branch by any of reset,revert, and rebase commands. Each has own use case and pros and cons, let’s learn them in details
IaC Methodologies and Best Practices on Azure
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a crucial aspect of modern DevOps practices, and it is becoming increasingly important for organizations looking to optimize and automate their infrastructure management on Azure. IaC allows you to use code to define, provision, and manage your infrastructure, making it easier to manage, scale, and maintain. In this guide, we’ll…
Monorepo architecture, CI/CD and Build pipeline
The monorepo architecture has certain advantages over polyrepo (or multi-repo) in some cases. However, implementing a successful monorepo is not easy, especially when it comes to automation, CI/CD, and build pipelines. For instance, there may be issues with long-running tests and releasing unchanged packages unnecessarily. Based on my experiences, I will provide some solutions to…
Environment Variables as GitHub Codespaces Secret
It’s been long since we are asking programmers “not to push connection strings and API Keys” to the source code. And also, set them as environment variables for production. But you still here and there you can find sensitive information on both repository and config files on production server! GitHub Codespaces gives you the solution…
Github and github_token and github secrets
There are security flaws on github token and github secrets, lets review them and make sure we are aware of it. Since microsoft acquired GitHub, they are investing heavily on monetizing it (for organizations not open source). So, lots of good features are added literary everyday. But it seems GitHub is not there yet, there…
SonarQube Pull Request Scanner + Community
On the previous article, we installed a SonarQube community server on ubuntu and using SQL server. Now We are going to expand our learnings and create the whole process of code quality assurance with SonarQube. We are making a CI/CD workflow so that any line of new code be scanned and measured by SonarQube. This…
SonarQube 10 installation on Ubuntu + SQL Server (Updated 2023)
What is SonarQube? SonarQube is a code quality scanner that can scan many languages including Java, C# and JavaScript. Although SonarQube code scanner and sonarqube code coverage is very advanced in C#, it seems in the DotNet world the the concept of code quality scannanning and specially SonarQube did not grow to its full potential.…
Much better life using the project for Dotnet Publish!
Wonder how you should use Dotnet Publish Command? Do you publish the project or the solution? Here is some info about publish dotnet command!